Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Mask Up or Not

The big debat at the moment is to wear a mask or not.  The CDC recommends we wear cloth masks.  The virus is microscopic so it will pass right through the cloth.  So who is the mast protecting?

They say that some people are carrying the virus and don't know it because there are no symptoms.  So wearing the mask will protect other people if you sneeze or cough.  Once again the virus will travel right through the cloth mask into the air.   I guess my question is if a sneeze can go 6 feet, how far will the virus travel if you are wearing a mask?  Half or less or no change.  Since the virus can travel through the cloth, but surely it will get stuck in the cloth fibers?

Rod and Sara want us all to wear masks until widespread testing is available.   My Questions:

1. How long will I be expected to wear a mask?   Is this a 2 week, 2 month , 2 years or rest of my life?

2.  If I get tested on Wednesday, then I go shopping at Lowes over the weekend, do I need to get tested again on Monday? Or mask up again?

I am not sure how long this will go, but I have a feeling we are in it for the long haul.

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